During these dog days of summer, we’re thinking hotdogs, specifically, Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs (NASDAQ NATH), a Coney Island, New York institution dating back to 1916. Last year alone, 700 million Nathan’s Famous hotdogs were sold in 78,000 locations across the US. They have become an American icon, an eat-in-the-street favorite. So, the appointment on June 8 of Andrew Levine to Nathan’s Famous all-male board passes no muster with us. It’s time to grill Nathan’s Famous on the lack of diversity on their board – and what better time than just before their Annual Shareholder’s meeting on September 15! Let’s tell Famous Nathan’s to get with the times and add women to their board.

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Laura Zehm appointed to 1st Capital Bancorp Board of Directors
50 Women to Watch for Boards 2023 Finalist, Laura Zehm, was recently appointed to the Board of…