2020 Women on Boards Supports Peaceful Protests against Racism and Violence

Dear 2020WOB Friends and Supporters,
We are writing in response to the horrific events we have witnessed in our country over
the last week and months. We support the peaceful protesters who courageously march
so we may bring about meaningful change and ensure that George Floyd and the many
African American men and women who have lost their lives due to racism and police
brutality will not have died in vain.

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the deep inequities that face women
of color, at home and at work. More people of color have lost their lives to
coronavirus. Women and people of color lost a greater percentage of jobs due to the
pandemic and the drastic downturn in the economy, which will negatively impact their
long-term careers. 2020 Women on Boards is the leading campaign to advance women
to serve on corporate boards. It is our earnest desire to propel women of all races and
ethnicities into positions of influence where they can help solve deep-rooted problems in
business and society.

We cannot allow these devastating crises to push women back from the progress we
have made. Based on independent research studies, gender diversity on corporate
boards is a competitive advantage, and helps companies survive crises and remain
viable. From identifying creative solutions, to embracing a diverse workforce, to
recognizing unconscious biases, women bring enormous value during challenging times
like these. That’s why women on boards, and in senior management, are essential to
solving complex and historic race and gender issues.

2020 Women on Boards is grateful to our supporters, contributors, volunteers, and staff
for their tireless efforts in advancing women to corporate boards of directors over the
last ten years. Having women of color in positions of influence is key to healing,
growing, and thriving for the betterment of businesses and our communities. 2020
Women on Boards is on board to accelerate a more just, equitable, and inclusive
society. Racism has been tolerated far too long.

Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire
CEO, 2020 Women on Boards

Stephanie Sonnabend
Co-Founder & Chair of the Board

Malli Gero
Co-Founder & Vice Chair of the Boar

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