50/50 Women on Boards Reveals Inaugural 50 Women to Watch for Boards List

     50/50 Women on Boards Reveals Inaugural 50 Women to Watch for Boards List: Bridging the Gap for First-Time, Corporate Board-Ready Candidates From All Business Sectors 

LOS ANGELES, June 20, 2023 50/50 Women on Boards™ (50/50WOB), the leading nonprofit education and advocacy campaign driving the movement toward gender balance and diversity on corporate boards, announced the first edition of its 50 Women to Watch for Boards list, showcasing a diverse group of exceptionally qualified women leaders from various sectors across North America who are ready to serve on public company boards. 

The list provides an invaluable opportunity for companies and recruiters to access validated board-ready, first-time director candidates by location, primary expertise, industry, race, and ethnicity. This comprehensive approach ensures that companies bridge the gap in their search for highly qualified women directors.

We are honored to celebrate and amplify this prestigious group of women directors who represent the next generation of board leadership,” said Heather Spilsbury, Chief Operating Officer of 50/50 Women on Boards. “The 50 Women to Watch for Boards initiative is groundbreaking, bridging the gender gap on corporate boards. These remarkable women are poised to make a positive and lasting impact on the business world.”

In recognition of their accomplishments, each finalist will benefit from unparalleled exposure and visibility through 50/50WOB and its campaign partners, Equilar and Nasdaq. The inaugural cohort will be invited to join the Nasdaq Center for Board Excellence. Additionally, Equilar has extended an invitation for the group to join its BoardEdge platform, ensuring their visibility across a platform where corporate leaders search for board candidates. Throughout the year, 50/50WOB will provide customized training and visibility through its networks and events to help propel the board careers of these extraordinary women and set them on the path to success.

“We are thrilled to recognize the extraordinary accomplishments of the exceptional women on the inaugural 50 Women to Watch for Boards list. These visionary leaders are redefining corporate leadership and will drive meaningful change in boardrooms worldwide,” said Belen Gomez, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives & Communications at Equilar. “We proudly partner with 50/50 Women on Boards to champion diversity on boards, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.”

50/50WOB selected the finalists based on rigorous criteria, including primary expertise, suitability for board committee service, resume, short essay answers, and video submissions. The process involved the expertise of an exclusive Selection Committee comprised of esteemed stock exchange leaders and board directors. Thank you to EY and Mastercard for Sponsoring the 50 Women to Watch for Boards list, showcasing their commitment to advancing diversity on boards.

For the full list of 50 Women to Watch for Boards, visit: https://5050wob.com/finalists-overview/ 

About 50/50 Women on Boards (50/50WOB)

50/50 Women on Boards™ (50/50WOB) is the leading global nonprofit education and advocacy campaign driving the movement toward gender balance and diversity on corporate boards. Since 2010 the campaign has published its 50/50 Women on Boards Gender Diversity Index™ directory and research reports to track the gender and racial diversity of Russell 3000 company board directors. Educational programs and advocacy efforts produced by 50/50WOB include its annual Global Conversation on Board Diversity™, year-round board training programs for individuals and corporate groups, and the Networking Hub for alumni to connect to experts and corporate directors in support of their board journey. For more information visit, www.5050wob.com

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