
50/50 Women on Boards Gender Diversity Directory™

Use the directory to research the gender composition of corporate boards on the Russell 3000 Index.

Our Gender Diversity Index Directory is a proprietary tool introduced in 2011 to track the representation of women, including women of color, on corporate boards.

As of June 30, 2024, only 30% of the Russell 3000 Index company board seats were occupied by women, with a mere 13.3% consisting of gender-balanced boards, and women of color holding 8% of seats.

In response to the disparity in representation of women on corporate boards, we are devoted to transparently tracking  the progress companies are making  through our comprehensive directory where you can view a public company’s advancement in diversifying their boards by considering factors such as state, size, sector, and rank.

We define gender-balanced and diverse boards as having 50% of corporate board seats held by women, with at least 20% of those seats held by women of color. For boards with an odd number of members, the index considers the board balanced if women hold one more or one less than half of the seats.

We define gender-balanced boards as women holding half of the seats. Boards with an odd number of members are balanced if women hold one more or less than half of the corporate board seats.

Based on the number of women directors, each corporation is rated as GB, 3+, 2, 1, or a 0 company. 


Companies with Gender-Balanced Boards


Companies with 3 or more women


Companies with 2 women


Companies with 1 woman


Companies with 0 woman

Instantly locate board data for 3000 public companies. Choose from the fields below to narrow your search by company name, state headquartered, sector, or rating. 

Russell 3000 Index companies with three or more women on their board or a gender-balanced board receive recognition leading the way. If your company meets the criteria and has not received credit for its board diversity achievements, please contact


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Women %30

Analysis of1

GB Companies0

3+ Companies1

2 Companies0

1 Companies0

0 Companies0

Company 5050 Rating Total Board # of women % of women Sector State City
Associated Banc-Corp 3+ 13 4 30% Financial Services WI Green Bay

