
Márquez Peterson


Arizona Corporation Commission





Area of Expertise


Previous Board Experience

Nonprofit, Private

Lea served as Chairwoman of the Arizona Corporation Commission, the state’s energy and water regulatory board from 2020 until 2022. She continues as a Commissioner on the Board which regulates the electric, water, gas and wastewater industries, incorporates the businesses in the state and tackles securities fraud. Additionally, the Commission manages railroad and pipeline safety.

In this capacity, she serves on the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)’s nuclear subcommittee and is the co-vice Chair of the Water Committee. She has been appointed to serve on the Advisory board for EPRI, a global energy research and development organization and the NARUC/NASEO Nuclear States Collaborative. As a Commissioner, she has financial impact on close to 400 privately owned utilities with over $4 billion in annual revenue.


